Saturday, November 14, 2009

Mouth pain?

under one of my molars is a weird bump. its like swelling but stiff. wisdom teeth? deformity? help! im afraid to go to a dentist since my family cant afford it.

Mouth pain?
Well, since you said the bump is stiff and not soft, it's probably a tooth coming in. Since you suggested a wisdom tooth, you must be around 17-20 years old.

I'm not sure what you mean by "under your molar". If it's in the gum below and not behind your molar, then the tooth is coming in all wrong and you need to see a dentist for an x-ray. It may be that the wisdom tooth is trying to erupt under your molar...if so, it will eat away at your molar's roots and you'll end up losing your molar. It's not something you want to play around with.

If it's coming in behind your molar then that's okay. Just gargle with warm salt water to help with the gum swelling. Wisdom teeth need to be x-rayed though to make sure they are coming in straight and aren't impacted. Why don't you google and see if there's a dental or dental hygiene school nearby that you could go to. Dental hygiene schools can't fix the problem, but they can take an x-ray and tell you what's wrong for like $10.

Hope you figure it out.
Reply:possibly wisdom teeth
Reply:Again, please read the answer from dental_hygienist...she really gives great advice!

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