Monday, November 16, 2009

Dream Analysing?

Ok, I'd love to know what people make of this dream I had a couple of years ago!

It started in my school canteen. I was with friends when suddenly giant spider started coming out of the ground so we had to leave the room. Then the dream changed and I was able to return to the canteen. Inside there was someone serving curries. Without realising, I was in the queue to get one and my friend was sat down. When I got to the front of the queue the woman asked what I wanted. The friend who was sat down shouted out that I wanted everything so the woman wrapped a bit of everything up and told me to give it to my friend who had shouted. In the canteen was a sign saying "(some name) you and your family must go to the dentist". A group of people walked in who somehow I knew were the family who went to the dentist. My friend said "there are a lot of you" are began to hit one of them on the head!

Weird dream, I know.

Dream Analysing?
Big spider coming out of the ground may represent big issues crawling up out of the unconscious where they've been gaining size and strength.

That the canteen is in the school may indicate that the situation(s) at issue are at school. School, if you aren't in school, can represent some situation in life which is offering lessons. Curries are spicy and are nourishment. If you like curries, then it may represent something that you want and is available at school. The seated friend who shouted out for some of everything represents an aspect of yourself. That aspect is desirous, hungry or ambitious apparently. That it indicates some of everything indicates that the "appetite" is general.

The sign advising a visit to the dentist is indicative that you feel a need to learn to be a more effective person. Again, the family - of whom there are a lot - represents aspects of your self, of your behavior strategies, roles, etc. (The child in you, the parent in you, the brother in you, the authoritarian, the follower, etc.) All of them need to see the dentist because in dream parlance 'teeth' represent effectiveness, the ability to bite off and chew or bite through situations.

The friend hitting one of them on the head is a bit of a puzzle to me, but it may be a pun indicating that for you to see what's happening you need to be "hit on the head" to get your attention.

To get a clearer idea you might ask yourself:

How do you feel about spiders? Was there a web? Was the spider really threatening? Who is the friend for whom you got the curries? What do they mean to you? What do you think of when you think of them? Which family members needed dental work? Father-figure? Mother? Brother? Baby?
Reply:I remember my dreams very frequently and they are always bizzare, but I have come to the conclusion every time now that dreams are the minds way of putting the previous days events into condensed pictures (perhaps to store up) the analogy with zipping files is exactly right I think.

After looking at the components within my dreams I realised this is clearly what is happening- why they get mixed up in such ludicrous ways is speculation though
Reply:You are asking about a dream you had 2 years ago???????

Reply:Aw, I was tracking with the spider and thought you were playing a scene from a certain cheesy black and white sci fi flick of many years ago--a giant spide attacks a building high on a mountain.

A run of the mill fantasy is what you did. There was a song from a not quite so old Willy Wonka flick, one which Sammy Davis, Jr. made a mint resinging an early song, The Candy Man, "think of all your childhood wishes, you can even eat the dishes." One of the things that make fantasy such a recurring genre of literature, music, and visual arts is the range of possibilities that are so fun in the way the play out, as implausible as they are.

No big deal, enjoy and move on.

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